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As of 1st quarter 2014, Infinitus Renewable Energy Park (IREP) is now utilizing the Microsoft Waste & Recycling Business Software Solution.

IREP as a company is focused on converting waste to recovered raw materials and energy. They specialize in designing, developing, financing, building and operating waste recovery facilities. IREP at Montgomery is a brand new residential waste mixed materials recovery facility partnership between the city of Montgomery and Infinitus Energy. At this facility they sort and recycle materials from 1 bin collection with aims of 95% recovery rates at 30 tons per hour in pursuit of an 80% diversion rate.

Certified Microsoft Waste & Recycling Partner ITA Dynamics is the leading Microsoft Business Software Solutions provider specifically for the niche Waste Management & Recycling Services marketplace and assisted in the implementation for IREP of Microsoft Dynamics NAV ENWIS (ENterprise Waste Information Software) at this facility.




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