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As of the last quarter 2018, GlassKing Recovery & Recycling Inc has decided to introduce Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ENWIS (ENterprise Waste Information Software) as its new ERP business software system.

GlassKing Recovery & Recycling Inc is a family owned and operated glass waste recycling management company headquartered in Phoenix, AZ providing programs to commercial and industrial clients throughout the valley to help maximize diversion efforts, save money on disposal costs, and improve sustainable practices within the workplace.

Certified Microsoft Waste & Recycling Partner ITA Dynamics is the leading Microsoft Business Software Solutions provider specifically for the niche Waste Management & Recycling Services marketplace and will be assisting in the implementation for GlassKing Recovery & Recycling Inc of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ENWIS (ENterprise Waste Information Software).


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